Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Response to "On Longing" Sentances

I think that what Susan Stewart says about the "capacity of objects to serve as traces of authentic experience" is very interesting.  Why do we need souvieneres to be proof that we have done something or have gone somewhere?  Are we scared that people will not believe us when we tell them of what we have done?  In some ways, do we treat the objects more authentically than the people that we show them to?  Why do we have the conception that objects cannot lie?  A person could feesbly buy a kimono off of Ebay, but then tell all of his friends that he bought it when he traveled to Japan.  However, few people would doubt his statement because 'he has an object to prove it'.  In a different situation, if he was just speaking of his travels more people may doubt the legitimacy of his claims.  Why would we sooner believe an object over a friend?  Does our cultures santity around objects and materialistic goods discredit human relationships and trust?

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